Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Daily Devotional August 9th, 2016

But he said to me, 'You will conceive and give birth to a son. Now then, drink no wine or other fermented drink and do not eat anything unclean, because the boy will be a Nazirite of God from birth until the day of his death.'"
Then Manoah prayed to the LORD: "O LORD, I beg you, let the man of God you sent to us come again to teach us how to bring up the boy who is to be born."
 (Judges 13:7-8 - NIV)

In this passage, we learn about the origin of Sampson, a man known for his strength and ability in battle.  He was born to parents who were unable to have children for years, however an angel of God came and told them of the child they would bear.  They also received strict guidelines on how to keep the child pure and dedicated to God.  Manoah, Sampson's mother, prayed for guidance on how raise the child in the way instructed in order for him to reach his full potential.  God sent the angel, he taught them, and the applied the lesson to their child and the rest became legend.

This story can be used to describe a pivotal part in our lives.  You are Manoah and Sampson represents the talent you have inside of you.  For years you worked unfulfilled, accepting the fact that you are barren and will not birth dreams, will not birth ideas, will not birth purpose and passion in the world.  You accepted the fact that you were just meant to survive.  But a man of God came and told you that you are meant to thrive and you are to expect a child.  He told you that there is something working on the inside of you and it is meant to do great things.  However there are stipulations.  You must protect it against the vices of the world.  You cannot allow it to be intertwined with the unclean.  Lastly it must be dedicated to God.  But once you do that, like Sampson, your purpose will bring great glory and honor to The Father through herculean feats that only can be attributed to God.

However, like Manoah, we must realize that we do not have all the answers.  In our humility we must ask the Father for guidance on how best to complete this assignment.  He will then send persons to help us along the way to keep us focused.  They may not be in the form of angels, but they will be in the form of mentors, teachers, advisors, friends, family and confidants.  He will strategically send persons to guide us through this journey. once we admit we cannot do it alone and ask.  Therefore, are you going to believe the messenger when he tells you God has a higher purpose for your life?  Are you going to follow the guidelines laid out?  Are you going to admit that you cannot do it alone and need guidance?  Are you ready for the magnificent work that is to be born, be great and bring honor to God in your life?  If this is so, then begin to walk in your purpose and allow God to work through you.

Rodney D. Bain

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