Saturday, 13 May 2017

Sharing Your Story

What if the only reason you go through trails and tribulations is to teach you simple lessons.  Oftentimes our worst experience lead to very simple life lessons, be careful who to trust, do not pass up on opportunities, trust yourself.  Why is it that we cannot just take the lesson for what it is instead of enduring hardship to gain the knowledge?  Why do we always have to burn our hands on the stove of life instead of believing that fire is actually dangerous?  Is it that we are just stubborn, or is the complex difficulties needed to teach the simplicity of life?
Image result for rough seas make better sailors
At times I wish I can just fast forward to the best parts of my life and skip over the low parts, the pain and disappointment.  But in hindsight I realized that I learned so much in that experience.  In the valley is where we gain the skill to handle the climb to the mountaintop.  "Rough waters make a better sailor"  I know this and accept this, but this is difficult.  I cannot remember who was the first person who informed me that this journey called life is easy, but that thought cemented in my subconscious.  Older and wiser, at least I hope, I have accepted that life is arduous, but that thought is not as comforting as I would have hoped.  But I have seen the growth over the years, so no matter how difficult it may be, its effective.
Image result for inspirational quotes about life

So OK, life is hard, obviously.  But worth it, maybe.  Will it end, most definitely.  But a quote I came across this week, "Life isn't meant to be forever, you are meant to create something that will last forever."  So as I continue to make my imprint on the sands of time, I encourage you to continue sharing your story.  You will be surprised who else is experiencing what you are going through or overcame.  Again if you went through all of this just to help one person get one step closer to their goal, then you are serving a great purpose.

Image result for the my living was not in vain

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