Sunday, 28 January 2018

Season Premiere

It is often said, my season has come or this is not my season. Well I am here to tell you that your season has come!  That moment you were preparing for is upon you.  That thing that you sacrifice for is ready for you to seize it.  Now the problem is, are you ready to go out and get it?

I read somewhere that when you ask the universe for something you are then presented with an opportunity to prove how bad you actually want it.  Water does not cut throw a rock due to its power, but due to its consistency.  It is time now to tap into that consistency.  Tap into that nature of the creator that resides in you.  It is time to create the life that you wanted.

It is your season.  It is your time.  It is your moment.  But you must seize it.  Your number has been called.  The coach is ready.  And so are you.  He has equipped you with all you need for this moment.  Trust your process, trust your journey and trust your story.  It is time to live your best life today!

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